While we always strive to provide the best product experience to our customers, there's no unit can be 100% flawless.

  1. Hook mark on alumunium based unit

Due to anodization process, all unit will have slight hook marks on the interior side, please refer to below picture for clear view

  1. B-stock quality expectation

We consider all unit with B-stock category that has slight scratch or dents such as:

  1. B-stock quality expectation for polycarbonate

B-stock for polycarbonate unit has flaws including minor crack marks such as:

  1. C-stock quality expectation for polycarbonate

For C-stock for polycarbonate unit, there will be more crack marks as shown on the images below:


While we always strive to provide the best product experience to our customers, there's no unit can be 100% flawless.

  1. Hook mark on alumunium based unit

Due to anodization process, all unit will have slight hook marks on the interior side, please refer to below picture for clear view

  1. B-stock quality expectation

We consider all unit with B-stock category that has slight scratch or dents such as:

  1. B-stock quality expectation for polycarbonate

B-stock for polycarbonate unit has flaws including minor crack marks such as:

  1. C-stock quality expectation for polycarbonate

For C-stock for polycarbonate unit, there will be more crack marks as shown on the images below:


While we always strive to provide the best product experience to our customers, there's no unit can be 100% flawless.

  1. Hook mark on alumunium based unit

Due to anodization process, all unit will have slight hook marks on the interior side, please refer to below picture for clear view

  1. B-stock quality expectation

We consider all unit with B-stock category that has slight scratch or dents such as:

  1. B-stock quality expectation for polycarbonate

B-stock for polycarbonate unit has flaws including minor crack marks such as:

  1. C-stock quality expectation for polycarbonate

For C-stock for polycarbonate unit, there will be more crack marks as shown on the images below:



Hi, I’m Anorexus, a mechanical keyboard designer based in Jakarta.